Identical twin newborn photos are very similar to those in fraternal twin photo sessions, or single babies for that matter. We want to see their sweet faces, the soft skin, the way they curl and snuggle up, and all the little details that make them unique. The one big difference is that we’d love to know who is who in the photos, and when they’re identical, it’s not easy to tell! One of these little guys had his toenails painted so that his parents could tell them apart- great idea for when you can see toes, but they don’t always show in the picture. What I do is take an eyebrow pencil and draw a tiny dot on one twin’s face, then make a note of the one with the dot. I separate the photos into individual folders when I download them, and label the ones of them together in the order they appear in the photo. Then I edit out the dot as I go- an easy way to identify them! Here are Muhammed (L) & Azan snuggled up together:
Identical newborn twin photos also seem to be most successful when the twins are close together- the closer the touch, the happier they usually are. I guess they’ve already spent so much time together that that feels more familiar than being on their own. No matter the reason, it often seems to calm the babies down to be right where the other one is:
As cute and happy as they are together, twins need to be photographed on their own, too! I typically photograph one of the twins, add the other and do them together and then do the second twin. They were together in the bed above, and also alone in the bed for a picture on their own:
I’ll bet it won’t be long before their parents can tell them apart even without looking at their toes. But it will be nice that we know for sure who was who in their newborn pictures!