New baby brothers bring either lots of excitement or a bit of jealousy out in toddlers, it seems. Lillian was definitely in the excited group- she was thrilled to be a big sister to her new baby brother Julian. Even at this young age, some babies seem to know their siblings already, and Julian seemed to be calmed by having his sister close- so sweet! She was so proud of herself and so gentle with him that we were able to do several variations of sibling shots with them. Is there anything cuter than a two year old with her arms around ‘her’ baby? They both made the job of capturing them together easy- yay! Here’s Julian with his parents and sister, and a few of just his adorable self:
If your toddler is expecting a new baby brother or sister and you’d like to capture this milestone in your family’s life, contact me for more information about a newborn photo session. For more examples of newborn pictures, visit the newborn gallery on the website. I’d love to help you document your growing family!