Greyson was at that perfect age for pictures- sitting up confidently, not afraid of strangers, and generally happy. That’s why photo sessions of 6-8 month olds are my favorite after newborn photo sessions. They’re so interested in the world and so eager to engage with people, and their general good moods usually mean lots of happy expressions. And that’s just how Greyson’s pictures went. He didn’t mind his clothes being changed, didn’t mind being put down away from his parents, and didn’t even seem to notice the hats we put on his head. A perfect subject! Here’s just a sampling of his photos:
once we were done with the outfits his mom had picked out, we took him down to a diaper cover. True to form, he was happiest with fewer clothes on. And it doesn’t get any cuter than seeing those little toes and chunky baby thighs!
If your baby is at that adorable sitting stage and you’d like to get photos of it, contact me.
These sessions are done at your home, and I bring everything we need. I even have some cute hats and diaper covers that you’re welcome to use. They’re quick (less than an hour) and babies are generally comfortable in their own homes, so keeping them happy is easy!