Three weeks old and irresistible- that’s Samuel! From his dark, intent eyes to his soft chubbiness to his beautiful little lips- well, you can see he had me at hello… And he seems to have that effect on his whole family. I love nothing more than to have moms and dads watch the session. I love the little ‘ohs’ and ‘awws’ I hear behind me, and like knowing parents are getting a rare chance to just sit back. To marvel at this little being. To just have this space to admire him and to see him through someone else’s eyes. To spend some time really feeling that pride, joy and awe that their new baby brings them. Just weeks ago, they couldn’t quite imagine who they were going to welcome into their family, and now they can’t imagine life without him. Being a part of that and helping to capture it is the best feeling!
And this time we had not only parents, but grandparents there, so there was the occasional chorus of ‘awwws’. Grandma had baby picture of his mom there, and it was striking how much they look alike at three weeks old. (Grandma still has the magic touch- I’m ready to hire her as an assistant!).
His dad is not a fan of being in front of the camera (and I can relate- me neither), but he indulged mom’s wish for pictures of the two of them, and I’m so glad he did. I’m a sucker for images of dads and babies- the combination of strength and tenderness and the way is shows how tiny new babies are- magic. And the result- one of my new all-time favorite images-
Thanks, C. family- it was a pleasure to spend time with you and to meet Samuel!
If you’d like newborn pictures taken in your home, drop me a line here for more information. I’d love to help you capture your baby’s first weeks.