Ava was such a tiny baby girl at just over five pounds for her newborn session, and she was just a joy to work with. Her mom had gotten some darling ‘girly’ things to use, so between those and my bonnets and headbands, we were well supplied to make this tiny baby girl look feminine and pretty for her pictures. Some babies don’t need blue or pink for you to tell if they’re girls or boys, though, and she’s definitely one of them! Playing dress up is one of the perks of the job…I can’t resist a cute bonnet or delicate headband, and putting just the right combination of colors together makes me happy.
Ava cooperated so well, and was still in that wonderful ‘curly’ stage, so we were able to get a variety of looks and poses. Here’s just a sampling of her session:
If you’re expecting your a tiny baby girl (or boy) of your own and would like more information about a newborn photography session, contact me.
To see more examples, visit the newborn photography gallery.