Meet the ‘class of 2013 newborns’ (or should that be the class of 2031?- doesn’t that sound far in the future!). It was so much fun to go back through the sessions of the past year and reminisce about each baby and his or her family. I am truly honored by each family that invited me into their home and trusted me with their precious new family member. I’m privileged to work with wonderful people, and I’m thankful for that every day. So here they are…the 2013 newborns:
I know they’re a bit small here, so if you’d like to see the images larger, go here to view the slideshow:
I’ve already seen some of them for another session and have others scheduled for sessions as they grow- I love seeing each and every one of them again! Congratulations to each of these families, and I wish you a wonderful 2014~