Oh, how I love toddlers! I know they can be exhausting and obstinate and irritating, but they’re also lively and bubbly and interested in every single thing in the world around them. At this age, an outdoor session works best. Turn them loose in an interesting spot, make as few demands on them as possible, follow them around and watch what happens. For Danica’s session, we went to the Kalamazoo Nature Center , a beautiful spot with so many areas to play in and explore. Watching her run and play and experience all of it reminded me of the freedom and joy of childhood- what a great way to spend an evening!
She’s grown up so much all of a sudden- no longer a baby- hard to believe that two short years ago, we were doing her newborn session (outside then, too- her mom developed her love of the outdoors from the start). Now she’s chattering away and making up games with the fountain-
can you believe these eyelashes? gorgeousness!
much as I love the smiles, I adore this pensive look, too-
we set out the bear and the tea things, and even though she hadn’t had a tea party before, she knew exactly what to do-
and this one just captures her spirit and the spirit of the session-